As mentioned in EN 1992-1-1 chapter 7.4.1(3) calculated deformations should not exceed those that can be accommodated by other connected elements such as partitions, glazing, cladding, services or finishes. In some cases limitation may be required to ensure the proper functioning of machinery or apparatus supported by the structure, or to avoid ponding on flat roofs.
Generally two main situation are required to be checked:
The calculation procedure used in new Deflection check can be described in the following steps:
1) Calculation of short-term stiffness - short-term stiffness is calculated using 28days E modulus for acting load
2) Calculation of long-term stiffness - long-term stiffness is calculated using effective E modulus based on creep coefficient for acting load
Unfortunately, for time being there is not possibility to distinguish between short-term and long-term part of the load in combination. Therefore some precondition has been established for determination of long-term part of the load. Long-term part of the load (LongTermPercentage) is estimated based on the type of combination for check. There are three main SLS combinations:
SCIA Engineer automatically use characteristic or quasi-permanent combination together in one step. Regardless on what combination (Characteristics, Quasi-permanent of Frequent) is selected. Characteristic combination is used to evaluation if crack appear. It affect final stiffness.
Selected combination is used as place holder for Load Cases, where appropriate coefficients are used during check (Characteristics, Quasi-permanent of Frequent). Recommended is to use the Result class with all SLS combinations from the project, or combination with all Load Cases.
3) Calculation of ratios - stiffness ratios are used as simplified method for calculation of particular deflections (see below). These values are calculated for each state according to points 1 and 2 above. Generally , the values are ratios of linear stiffness of concrete component only divided by resultant stiffness taking cracks into account.
ratio = Stiffnesslin / Stiffnessres
For example:
ratiouz = EIz,lin / EIz,res
4) Calculation of particular component - Several particular components are needed for calculation of total and additional deflection
As mentioned beforehand, the short- and long-term stiffnesses are calculated using a so-called creep factor. This creep-factor is dependant on the relative humidity, outline of the cross-section, reinforcement percentage, concrete class, etc.This factor is used to divide the short-term stiffness and obtain the long-term stiffness, Thus by taken the concrete stiffness for short- and long-term and the representative compression strength the program calculates the stress and strain diagram.
Generally , the components calculated below can be graphically presented on the following figure
Linear (elastic) deflection - is the sum of short-term and long-term elastic deflection
δlin = δlin,s + δlin,l
Immediate deflection - to calculate the immediate deformation, the deformation of the permanent load is calculated using the short-term stress and strain diagram. Additionally by subtracting the immediate deformation from the total deformation, the programs calculates the additional deformation.
δimm = δlin,l ∙ ratio s
Short-term deflection - is the multiplication of short-term elastic deflection and short-term ratio
δs = δlin,s ∙ ratios
Long-term deflection + creep - is the multiplication of long-term elastic deflection and long-term ratio
δl,creep = δlin,l ∙ ratiol
Creep deflection - is calculated based on short and long term ratios
δcreep = δlin,l ∙ (ratiol - ratios)
Long-term deflection - is the difference between deflection caused by long-term + creep and creep parts of deflection
δl = δl,creep - δcreep
Additional deflection - is the difference between sum of shot-term and long-term with creep towards immediate deflection
δadd = δs + δl,creep - δimm
Total deflection - is the sum of short-term and long-term +creep deflection
δtot = δs + δl,creep
Deflections are calculated for selected SLS combination.
5) Check of deflections - as it was reported at the beginning of this chapter two deflections are required to be checked. At first the limit values has to be calculated for particular direction of deflections. These values are:
a) limit for total deflection
δtot,lim = L / 250
b) limit for additional deflection
δadd,lim = L / 500
In formulas above, there is mentioned L value. This value corresponds to buckling length multiplied by β factor of the member in particular direction.
Finally the unity check can be calculated as follows:
Unity check = max (δtot / δtot,lim; δadd / δadd,lim)
There are presented the following output values: