This means that you just clicked on 'Read License ID' and have not activated the license yet.
This means that the license is currently activated on this machine.
The license is not on this machine. It has been returned to SCIA.
This means that something went wrong during 'Return License'. The license was not completely returned. Select the license and click on 'Repair License' to solve the problem.
This occurs when the connection fails during 'Return License'. Use a good internet connection use 'Repair license'.
Server license:
The 'Repair license' button might not be enabled for a server license (number 6xxxxx). Contact SCIA Support and ask them to allow 'Repair license' for this license ID.
The license on the machine has been damaged. Something has messed with the trusted storage. Usually it is your anti-virus. Use 'Repair License' to solve this problem.
For some reason, the license has been removed, or altered in the “trusted storage”.
1. Add ‘C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet’ to the exceptions of your anti-virus to prevent this problem from occurring over and over again!
2. Hit the 'Repair License' button to fix this problem.
The 'Repair license' button might not be enabled for your license (number 6xxxxx).
Contact SCIA Support, explain the problem (with print-screens) and ask them to allow 'Repair license' for your license key.