Step 1. Installation of SCIA License Server (FlexNET)

On the machine where you want to load in the licenses, make sure SCIA License Server 3.0.2 (or newer) is installed (under 'Control Panelà 'Programs').

If necessary, download SCIA License Server.

If the SCIA License Server is installed, you will have the next shortcuts in the start menu

Possible problem

à An error message appears during installation

Try the solution suggested below

àSCIA Engineer keeps saying 'License server manager outdated'

  1. It will say this if the installed SCIA License Server is too old (older than v.3.0.2)
  2. You must update the SCIA License server by installing the latest version
    1. Check under 'Control Panel' à 'programs' what the version is
    2. If the message persists, it will be necessary to stop several services first. For this, use Option 1 in the solution given below and reinstall the setup.


Try to stop the thing which is blocking the installation to install/update ALL files

Option 1: Stop lmadmin.exe and scia.exe and rerun the installation.

  1. Hit the Windows ‘Start’ button and type in 'Services.msc' (+ ENTER)
  1. If you can find the services lmadmin.exe and/or scia.exe, then stop them both.
  2. If you cannot find these services, then go to option 2.

Option 2: Contact SCIA support

à Send the image of the message

à Indicate that you contacted the guide “Updating floating license” (and what you tried)

à Ask for a possible solution

After applying these steps, please proceed with the steps in chapter "Configuring/updating a floating license".

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