Classification of Bolt-rows

The EN 1993-1-8 Art. Table 6.4 and 6.5 and Art. Table 6.6 specifies, how the bolt-rows should be classified either for a column, respectively end-plate side. According to this classification effective lengths, both for individual and group approach, are calculated.

The classification for both sides has been extended based on publication Joints in Steel Construction - Moment -Resisting Joints to Eurocode 3 (P398) with relation to the possible yield lines and based on HERON vol. 20 publication by P. Zoetemeijer, with relation to the limit distance determining the border of influence of a stiffener or beam flange.

In general, if a space between bolt-row and a stiffener/beam flange is smaller than this "limit" value, the formulas taking into account the presence of obstacle (formulas including α coefficient) should be used. The real distance is measured not exactly to the obstacle, but to the part of the adjacent obstacle weld (similar approach as in calculation of m distance given by EN 1993-1-8 Art. Figure 6.8).

The smaller value of 'n' from left or right side end-plate extensions is used in case of not symmetric end-plate.

Column side

Within SCIA Engineer, a bolt row may be classified on a column side as:

Effective length formulas for column flange classifications :

End-plate side

Within SCIA Engineer, a bolt row may be classified on an end-plate side as:

Effective length formulas for end-plate classifications :

For the calculation of group "start" and "end" partial effective lengths for bolt-rows classified as "Other inner bolt-row", the formulas for "Other end bolt-row" are being used. (See also chapter: "Group of bolt-rows")

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