Weak axis calculation

Stiffness model for weak-axis bending showing weak-axis bolt-line components given by the general weak-axis reference. For further info on weak-axis calculation see chapter: "Weak-axis calculation".

As given by the reference, the weak-axis stiffness should be calculated in a similar way as in-plane stiffness. We do not recognize any difference in the stiffness between component 4a and 4b in SCIA Engineer. Stiffness coefficients k4, k5,k10 for all bolt-rows are calculated according EN 1993-1-8 Article 6.3.2 Table 6.11 as for the strong-axis calculation. The final value is however divided by 2 for usage in weak-axis calculation. In weak-axis calculation all bolt-rows are used compared to the strong-axis stiffness calculation, where only bolt-rows above center of compression are used.

The additional stiffness bolt-line coefficients for components Column flange in twisting k17 and for Column web in bending k18 are defined by the reference as:

Column flange in twisting:


bc is the width of the column
tfc is the thickness of the column flange
ν Poisson's ratio of a column material
∑p1 is the spacing between the first and last bolt-row
y is the design distance from the bolt-line in tension to the centre of compression for weak-axis bending
leff,fct effective length of column in twisting calculated assuming a maximum spread at 60° from the bolts across the width of the column flange, given as:

Column web in bending:


twc is the web thickness of the  column web
p2 is the spacing between the two bolt-lines
hc is the height of the column
beff,wbc is the effective length of the web in bending, considered simply supported in both ends, given as:

Based on the different bending stiffness model several modification, to the strong-axis calculation, are introduced both for:

Beam-column connections:

Splice connections:

The stiffness classification and check are not done for the weak-axis stiffness  calculation, since the classification and check limits are not available.

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