Property table

A property table is a SCIA Engineer unique control used in the program dialogues and in the Property window. The control looks like a table (basically a two column multi-row table) whose first column contains names of individual items displayed in the table and the second column shows their values.

Generally, the values in the "value cells" of the property table may be modified. There are various means for the change of the value (see bellow). In addition, the individual items of the table may be interlinked either (i) to another part of the program (e.g. another dialogue) or (ii) to a graphical window. Both variants represent a powerful feature increasing significantly the simplicity and speed of editing process.

In order to unify the appearance of the program dialogues, the property table is also used even for passive display of information. In such a case, the "value cells" are disabled to prevent an accidental alteration of the values.

Type of property table cells

name cell

It contains the name of the item whose value is displayed in the coupled value cell.

group cell

This is a special case of the name cell. Sometimes, the name cell is standalone and is not coupled with any value cell. This is used to display e.g. the name of a group of items.

value cell

This cell holds the corresponding data. The data may or may not be edited depending on the particular situation.

The value cell may be of several types. Where possible, the cell terminology is taken from the standard MS Windows terminology for dialogue box components. In parenthesis, a descriptive name is added (if applicable).

edit box

(simple value cell)

The basic type of cell provides for manual input of value. Depending on the particular item the value may be either numerical or alphanumerical.

combo box

(selection list cell)

This control is used for items where the proper value is defined by selection from a list of available variants.

tick box

(yes/no cell)

This type of cell provides for two limit value only – for YES and NO.


The button can be used to start a required type of action, e.g. open a dialogue, etc.

colour list

This type is similar to the combo box. The difference is that it offers colours only.

Combination of cell types in one table cell

The individual cell types may be combined within a single cell. That means that, for example, one table cell may consist of a combo box and a button, or of three edit boxes.

This feature is used e.g. in tables where a cross-section should be specified. The table sell then contains:

Interconnection between table cells and graphical window

In some dialogues, individual table items may be related to a specific part of the drawing shown in the graphical window. In such a case, it would be useful:

The SCIA Engineer property table makes this possible. Therefore, where applicable and useful, the appropriate table cells are interlinked with corresponding drawing parts.

As an example we may give the dialogue for editing of a cross-section. Here, the dimensions of a cross-section represent exactly what this feature is ideal for. On clicking any of dimension lines in the drawing, the corresponding table row is highlighted, and vice versa.

Example of a property table

The picture below shows the cross-section editing dialogue. The mouse cursor is positioned in the graphical window of the Cross-section manager over the height dimension line. After the left mouse button was clicked, the corresponding item in the table above the picture got the focus (the blue item).



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