Note: In addition to these general view parameters, there are a few specialised tabs with view parameters for a particular advanced module, e.g. Steel code check, etc. These tabs are not shown until such a module is initialised.
Note : The following list contains the available view parameters. It should be noted that not all of them are always offered in the Setup dialogue. The Setup dialogue offers only those parameters for which the appropriate entity type has been already defined. E.g. until you define at least one support in your model, view parameters for supports are not shown in the dialogue.
If ON, entities appropriate for the service are automatically displayed as soon as the service is opened (in the tree menu). If OFF, no change of display takes place when a service is opened.
It controls the style and colour of members of the model (beams, plates, shells, etc.)
normal: settings made in Setup > Colour/Lines dialogue are used,
by layers: each member is displayed in the colour of the appropriate layer, all members assigned to the same layer are of the same colour,
by material: each member is displayed in the colour of the appropriate material, all members made of the same material are of the same colour,
by cross-section: each member is displayed in the colour of the appropriate cross-section, all members of the same cross-section are of the same colour,
according to structuraltype: each member is displayed in the colour corresponding to its structural type.
Note : If e.g. two materials, two layers, two cross-sections have assigned the same colour, than the same colour is used for members of different controlling property.
The system line (midline) is drawn if this option is ON.
Note: If this option is OFF and also Member surface is OFF, then the whole structure disappears from your view.
It controls the style of the member's system line (midline)
Definitions: System line is a line connecting the nodes of a member. This line is what you define when you input a new member. Fine elements are also generated on this system line. Reference line coincides with the system line if no eccentricity of a member is defined. If eccentricity is defined, the reference line is the centroidal axis of the member. Even if eccentricity is defined, the finite elements are generated on the system line (and the defined eccentricity is used in the relevant formulas of the finite elements). Bar is a highlighted system line. However, the bar is not drawn from the node to the node. It just indicates the member and leaves some space around the node for further information to be displayed.
system line: the system line of members is drawn.
system line + reference line: system line (solid) and possibly reference line (dashed) is displayed
bar: highlighted "system line" is drawn
system line + bar: the system line is displayed and it is highlighted with the bar
You can define different geometry parameters for the "calculation model" of your structure and for the " structural model" of your structure. The calculation model is used for the numerical analysis, the structural model can be used for drawings, detailing, attractive presentations of your project, etc. For example, you can define different eccentricities in the two models, you can define cut-offs at ends of 1D members in the structural model, etc. This parameter tells the program which model you want to see on the screen.
analysismodel: the parameters relating to the calculation model are used to display the structure
structural model: the parameters relating to the structural model are used to display the structure
Example: When you open the property table of a member, the calculation-model-parameters are in the top part of the table. The structural -model-parameters are grouped lower in the table under heading structuralmodel.
It defines whether the surface of members should be displayed.
specifies the style the surface of members is displayed
wired: only the wired scheme of the surface is displayed
hidden lines: the real surface is calculated and those surface lines that are hidden from the view are not drawn
rendered with edges: the real rendered view with outlined edges is displayed
rendered: the real rendered view is displayed
transparent: the surface is filled but it is transparent (this rendering style may be e.g. useful when you want to present designed steel frame connections - the structure may be transparent, the connection may be fully rendered)
Example: The picture shows the combination of transparent rendering style for 1D member and full-rendering for connection.
This option tells if the cross-section of a 1D member should be displayed.
If the previous option is ON, this item defines the style of the displayed cross-section.
section: one section is drawn about in the middle of each 1D member. The section is 3D oriented, i.e. it is displayed AS IS in the structure and in some views may not be clearly recognisable.
in screen plane: one section is drawn about in the middle of each 1D member. The section is transformed into the screen plane so that it is clearly recognisable in all view of the structure.
longitudinal XZ: a short part of XZ projection of the 1D member surface is drawn. In other views than side view, the section may be hardly recognisable.
longitudinal XY: a short part of XZ projection of the 1D member surface is drawn. In other views than plan view, the section may be hardly recognisable.
The FE nodes of the structure can be displayed or hidden. Especially in very large models, it may be convenient to hide the nodes when a picture of the whole model is to be drawn.
Specifies the style )shape) of the node mark.
Specifies the size of the node mark.
Buckling lengths (in all directions) for individual 1D members are displayed.
If a non-linearity is assigned to a member, a symbol is displayed indicating the type of the assigned non-linearity.
Various FEM types can be assigned to individual members (tension only, normal 1D member) and a description indicating the selected type is displayed if this option is ON.
The generated mesh is displayed (the mesh can be displayed only if it has been already generated).
The FE mesh can be refined in manually defined area and the defined refinements are displayed if this option is ON
Note : The finite element mesh can ONLY be displayed if at one calculation has been already performed and its results are still available.
Axes of local coordinate systems of individual nodes are displayed.
Axes of local coordinate systems of individual 1D members are displayed.
Axes of local coordinate systems of individual plate and shell members are displayed.
Sections (i.e. sections for the evaluation of results) on 1D members are displayed.
Sections (i.e. sections for the evaluation of results) through plate/shell members are displayed.
If a calculation fails, the problematic place is shown.
It controls the group as a whole - if ON, the selected labels are displayed, if OFF, no labels of the group are shown.
Individual labels correspond to individual items in the property table of a member.
The meaning is more or less self-explanatory.
The meaning of most of the view flags is more or less self-explanatory.
Each edge of a slab has a unique number (unique within the single slab) and these edge numbers are displayed if this option is ON.
see above
FE-node numbers
Numbers of 1D finite elements.
Numbers of 2D finite elements.
Note: The finite element mesh can ONLY be displayed if the calculation has been already performed and its results are still available or if the mesh has been generated by means of function Calculation > Generate mesh.
Display label, Name
The meaning is more or less self-explanatory
Description of the buckling length including the dimension.
The meaning is more or less self-explanatory.
The label of the defined type of non-linearity.
If ON, entities appropriate for the service are automatically displayed as soon as the service is opened (in the tree menu). If OFF, no change of display takes place when a service is opened.
The meaning of most of the view flags is more or less self-explanatory.
The meaning of the view flags is more or less self-explanatory.
Displays the label of supports.
Displays the label of other model data such as hinges, cross-links, etc. This view parameter displays or hides the label for all the types of other model data at the same time. It is not possible to attach the label to e.g. one type of other model data only.
If ON, entities appropriate for the service are automatically displayed as soon as the service is opened (in the tree menu). If OFF, no change of display takes place when a service is opened.
If OFF, no load is displayed at all. This item controls the whole tab.
If the style Colour by action type is selected, the loads are displayed depending on the type of action (forces, wind, snow, imposed displacement, temperature, etc...). Line colour and style can be configured in the palette for each type of action.
If the style Colour by load type is selected, the loads displayed depending on the type of force (point force, line force, surface force). Line colour and style can be configured in the palette for each type of load. Please note, that generated loads have their own, separate line styles.
Please note, that the style of some types of loads/actions do not depend on the selected display style. Those exceptions are:
You can select here the load case to be displayed.
Displays the loading polygon of the plane load generator.
Displays the absences.
You can select here the absence group to be displayed.
The meaning of the view flags is more or less self-explanatory.
This item controls the display of load labels.
If ON, the name of the load is attached to every loading impulse (force, moment, temperature load, etc.)
Shows the "input" value of the load.
See the note below.
Shows the "real" value of the load.
See the note below.
Note: Items Value and Total value are significant for loads that are not defined directly by its force or moment impulse, but that were defined by means of a wind generator, load generator, or as a predefined load. For such loads, SCIA Engineer can display two different types of data. First, the input value (e.g. width load) can be shown, i.e. the value. Second, the calculated load per meter of length can be displayed (i.e. the total value).
Displays the masses.
This item controls the display of mass labels.
If ON, the name of the mass is attached to the mass symbol.
Shows the size of the mass.
If ON, no tooltips in the graphical window are shown. I.e. no information concerning the entity under cursor is displayed. This option may reduce the response time in large projects. It also reduces the size of images in the Picture gallery.
Before this option takes effect, the screen must be regenerated.
If ON, no information on layers is stored in the data for the graphical window. This option may reduce the response time in large projects. It also reduces the size of images in the Picture gallery.
However, if this option is ON, it is not possible to e.g. make export of the drawing into DXF file including layers – only one "universal" layer is exported.
Before this option takes effect, the screen must be regenerated.
On the other hand, this option does not prevent you from using e.g. activity by layers. This feature is fully working regardless of this parameter.
Enables the user to numerically adjust the view direction.
Switches the Clipping box ON/OFF.
Displays the result diagrams on members.
Displays data relating to construction stages.
It controls the group as a whole - if ON, the selected labels are displayed, if OFF, no labels of the group are shown.
Already installed members are displayed.
Currently installed members are displayed.
Members that are not yet available are displayed.
Members that have been already removed are displayed.
Attaches labels to the local 1D member history.
Displays the forces in connections (in joints of several 1D members)
Displays the labels of connection forces.
It controls the group as a whole - if ON, the selected labels are displayed, if OFF, no labels of the group are shown.
The name is attached to connection forces.
Shows the view flags “Maximal translation” and “Maximal rotation” which are available after the calculation
Displays the mark (arrow) on elements whose angle is smaller than 5° after the mesh generation, if any
Displays the mark on the mesh nodes, if any was defined by the user using command SELMN