Output of design results

In "Member design ULS" and "Member design ULS+SLS" there are now three types of output:

In the text and figures below you can get the idea about these types.


Here the user can review all the reinforcement i.e. in all directions, top and bottom of the slab.


Table for lower reinforcement in both directions of the slab.

Note that new extra information is shown is this table:

- internal cantilever arm,

- depth of the compression zone,

- stress in the reinforcement and concrete,

- strain in the reinforcement and concrete.

In the document the user can ask for an explanation of the symbols for all these values in order to make it clear for himself and clear in the output document.


Table for one direction of the lower or upper reinforcement of the slab.

Shear calculation

There are also more values in the output for the shear calculation.

Reinforcement ratio of slabs

It is possible to view the reinforcement ratios of the slab.

Weight of the reinforcement

It is also possible to view the mass of the reinforcement on the slab and have a nice overview of this reinforcement weight in the preview and/or the document window.

Member design ULS+SLS

For "Member design ULS+SLS" it is possible to display tables with calculated / optimised maximum diameter and maximum distance of reinforcement.

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SCIA is part of the Nemetschek group