Adjusting the snap mode

The principles of "snapping" have been laid in other chapters of the main reference manual. Here, in the general cross-section context, it is worth to say that the same SNAP modes can be utilised for the definition or modification of a general cross-section in the General cross-section editor.

Available SNAP modes are:

Dot grid

The cursor is locked to the points of a defined dot grid.

Only snapped points

If this option is ON, the first two variants are automatically turned OFF and only characteristic points of already defined entities may be used to snap to. In other words, only the object SNAP mode is enabled.


Middle points of entities are used as snap points.

Endpoints / Nodes

End points of entities are used as snap points.


Intersections of entities are used as snap points.

Orthogonal points

This option snaps to a point that forms a perpendicular with the selected object.

Tangential points

The Tangential point SNAP mode snaps to a tangent point on a circle.

Arc / circle centre

This option snaps to the centre of a circle, arc or polyline arc segment. The cursor must pass over the circumference of the circle or the arc so that the centre can be found.

Points on line / curve N-th

The program automatically divides a selected entity into N segments and thus generates (N+1) points on an entity under cursor. The points may be used to snap to.

Points in line / curve % of length

This option is similar to the one above. But the division of a 1D member is defined by percents and not by the number of segments.

Note: For more information about SNAP modes in general see chapter Basic working tools > Cursor SNAP modes.


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