Opening the General cross-section editor

The General cross-section editor is a tool that, at first sight, resembles the Picture gallery editor. What both editors have in common is that they both are a "drawing tool" for creation of a "drawing".

In General cross-section editor, the drawing represents a cross-section. In Picture gallery, the drawing is a picture of analysed structure.

The procedure to open the General cross-section editor in order to create a new general cross-section
  1. Open the Cross-section manager:

    1. either via tree menu item Library > Cross-sections,

    2. or using menu function Libraries > Cross-sections,

    3. or by means of button [Cross-sections] on toolbar Project.

  2. Click button [New] to add a new cross-section.

  3. Select General in the Available groups list.

  4. Click button [Add].

  5. The General cross-section editor is opened on the screen.

  6. Define the new cross-section.

  7. Close the editor.

  8. Confirm the new cross-section.

  9. Close the New cross-section dialogue.

  10. Close the Cross-section manager.

The procedure to open the General cross-section editor in order to edit an existing general cross-section
  1. Open the Cross-section manager:

    1. either via tree menu item Library > Cross-sections,

    2. or using menu function Libraries > Cross-sections,

    3. or by means of button [Cross-sections] on toolbar Project.

  2. In the list of defined cross-section, select the one you need to change.

  3. Click button [Edit] to edit the selected cross-section.

  4. The Cross-section edit dialogue is opened on the screen.

  5. If only some of the general parameters need to be altered, make the change in the property table of the dialogue.

  6. If the shape or property of only a partial section need to me modified, press button [Edit] in the property table of the dialogue.

  7. The General cross-section editor is opened on the screen.

  8. Make the necessary changes.

  9. Close the editor.

  10. Confirm the result in the General cross-section editor.

  11. Close the Cross-section manager.

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