Basic document properties

Each document has got a set of basic properties.


The name is used for an easy identification of the document.


It may contain some additional information about the document.

Embed settings

If YES, all the adjustments in the style of tables are stored with the current project. It means that if you share the project with your colleague, when he/she opens it on his/her computer, the layout and style of the tables will be the same as yours.

If NO, the style and layout of tables in the document is stored in SCIA Engineer folder(s) on your computer. It means that if you share the project with your colleague, when he/she opens it on his/her computer, the style and layout will be read from his/her computer and, consequently, may be different from the layout on your computer. On the other hand, the project file is smaller as the formatting information does not have to be stored with it.


Specifies the language of the document.

Please note that even if you change the language of the document, there are some texts that remain in the original language, e.g. names of load cases, names of cross-sections, etc.

Pictures alignment

The pictures can be left-aligned, centred, or right-aligned in the page.

Header template

This item specifies the style of the header of the document. If required, the header can be left out completely.

Edit header template

This item opens the Table composer for the currently selected header template.

Title page template

This item specifies the style of the title page of the document. If required, the title page can be left out completely.

Edit title page template

This item opens the Table composer for the currently selected title page template.

Footer template

This item specifies the style of the footer of the document. If required, the footer can be left out completely.

Edit footer template

This item opens the Table composer for the currently selected footer template.

First page number

Specifies the number of the first page.

When several documents are combined together, or when you need to have a special "introduction" prior to the document itself, this item allows for the necessary adjustment.

First chapter number

Specifies the number of the first chapter.

Chapters numbers

Specifies which chapters are numbered.

Let us assume this simple document:


None: There will be no chapters numbers at all.

All: All the chapters will be numbered (including the appropriate level). That is: Load cases, Line forces on beam, Load groups and Combination key will be equipped with a number.


Top level: Only the chapters from the first level will be numbered. In our example, Load cases, Load groups and Combination key will be numbered. Line forces on beam will be without any number. Also the tables with individual load cases will not be numbered.


Chapters descriptions

Similar to Chapters numbers, but affects not only the numbering, but the whole titles of individual chapters.

The properties may be edited in the Manager of documents.

Note: If you want to ensure that all the possible users who open the document from a particular project on their local computers have the same layout of the document, always set option Embed settings to ON. Otherwise, it may happen that different users will get different layout of the document, depending on their local settings.


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