Interface with ETABS

Why and how to use?

There are lots of reasons why the interface between SCIA Engineer and ETABS may be . Some users can need to use curved members others can need to use a steel check of hall. The next ones can want only to work with more customized environment. All this we can to provide to users. But they have got more projects in ETABS format and they surely do not want to lost them with changing of software and this is the reason why the interface with ETABS was developed. User can import project to SCIA Engineer and to finish her/his work there. This interface cannot import everything at this moments but it is clear then  a development of the interface will be continue in next versions of SCIA Engineer.

What is better in SCIA Engineer?

 It knows:

-  Curved beams.

-  Curved walls.

-  Lots of possibility to create shells.

-  Better displaying of structure.

-  Different types of results.

-  More possibilities of reinforcement of concrete structures.

-  More possibilities of checks (steel, concrete,..).

-  Steel connections etc.

-  More type of supports – line, surface,..

-  Variable load on slabs.

-  Free loads.

-  Variable thickness of 2D and subregions.

-  Haunches and arbitrary beams.

e2k file

The exchange of data between ETABS and SCIA Engineer is done through the e2k file. This type of file can be created and also read-back in a standard version of ETABS. SCIA Engineer offers the possibility to import and export this type of file in its standard File > Import and File> Export menu.


This chapter explains what data are read during the import of e2k file. At the end of the chapter you will find the procedure how to make the import of e2k file to SCIA Engineer.

Project data


Name is filled in with the Model Name defined in e2k file.


Author is filled in with the Company Name defined in e2k file.


In Description there is the Etabs version which the e2k file was exported from.


-  Units are calculated in accordance with SCIA Engineer units and the entire structure is imported in basic units (kN/m).


-  Names of nodes are generated during the import.

Beams and columns

-  Beams are imported as 1D members with the type set to beam.

-  Columns are imported as 1D members with the type set to column.

-  Braces are imported as 1D members with the type set to beam.

-  Line members with “none” profile are imported as 1D members with very a small cross-section and they are inserted to a special layer named NullBeam which is marked as CAD only. That means it is not taken in account during calculations.

-  Properties: member system, type, cross-section.


-  Cross-section conversion table (a default one is distributed with SCIA Engineer and users can create their own by means of tools distributed with Tekla-plugin).

-  Geometric profiles (rectangular and circular shapes).

-  If a profile is defined as auto-select section in ETABS, the first one from the auto-select section list is taken in account as the profile of the member during the import.

Walls and slabs

-  Walls are imported as 2D members with the type set to wall.

-  Slabs, decks and planks are imported as 2D members with the type set to slab.

-  Ramps are imported as 2D members with the type set to slab.

-  Area members with a “none” profile are imported as very thin 2D members that are inserted to a special layer named NullSlab and marked as CAD only. They are not taken in account during calculations.

-  Openings.

-  Properties: thickness, material, type.


-  User defines a conversion table during the import. A dialog for the defining of material conversion appears on the screen during the import:

-  On the left side there is a list of all materials defined in the imported e2k file. On the right side there will be a list of SCIA Engineer materials which user assigns to each one from the ETABS file.

-  Click button [Define equivalent materials]. A new dialog with a list of SCIA Engineer materials for selected code is displayed.

-  At the top part of the dialog there is a combo box where you can choose a type of material, such as steel or concrete, or all materials.

-  Select which one you want to work with and confirm with [OK].

-  If all materials are defined a button [OK] is available in the Equivalent material dialog and the user can continue with the import.


-  ETABS has got only point supports and these can be imported to SCIA Engineer.

-  Each restraint (Fx, Fy, Fx, Mx, My, Mz) is imported correctly as rigid or free. Springs or flexible supports are not supported.


-  Beam releases in ETABS are imported as hinges to SCIA Engineer. In many cases it will be necessary to edit these hinges in SCIA Engineer because their philosophy in SCIA Engineer is different from the definition of releases in ETABS.

-  Hinges on 2D member edges are not supported.


-  Point load in point

Forces Fx, Fy, Fz, and moments Mx, My, Mz in global and local coordination systems are supported.

They are imported as native SCIA Engineer forces in node.

-  Point (repeating) loads on beam

Both forces and moments in global or local coordination systems are supported.

Repeated loads are imported as several separate point forces on beam. It is not possible to import them as native SCIA Engineer repeated forces.

-  Line loads on beam

Both forces and moments with a uniform or a trapezoid distribution in global or local coordination systems are supported.

Load with the trapezoidal distribution is imported as several line loads. Each part of trapezoidal load is an independent load in SCIA Engineer.

-  Surface load on slab

ETABS has got only a constant surface load which is supported for import to SCIA Engineer.

-  Temperature

Point temperature load is not imported because SCIA Engineer has no point temperature implemented.

Line temperature load is imported only on 1D members.

Surface temperature load is imported only on 2D members.

-  Loads (except temperature)  on line beam with a none profile are imported as free point or line loads with selection – select. In the selection there is only the closest member.

-  Loads (except temperature) on area with none profile are imported as free surface loads with selection – select. Only the closest member is in the selection.

-  Load cases

All static linear load cases are imported with their name, action type and load type to SCIA Engineer.

-  Load combination

All linear combinations are imported with their lists of load cases.


1.  Call function File > Import > ETABS file.

2.  Dialog Open file is opened on the screen.

3.  Select the required e2k file for import.

4.  Confirm with [Open].

5.  Dialog Codes in project appears.

6.  Select a code and confirm with button [Close].

7.  The Import from ETABS dialog is opened.

The ETABS version where e2k file was exported from is shown here. The user can choose the required user-defined cross-section mapping table or to keep the default one which is distributed with SCIA Engineer.

8.  Press button [Import].

9.  The dialog for material conversion defining is displayed.

10.  Define the materials and confirm with [OK].

11.  The import is in progress. A big structure can take some time to import.

12.  The log is shown.

13.  The structure is imported.


Storeys and line grid

-  If storeys are defined in SCIA Engineer project then they are exported to e2k files. It is important to have defined each member in the only strorey. If any member is in no storey or in two or more stroreys the member will be assigned to basic one or to the lower one. A basic line grid is generated during an export. No line grid from SCIA Engineer is exported to e2k file.

Note: The export of storeys is supported from SCIA Engineer 2011


-  A structure is always exported in basic units (kN/m).


-  Each material is correctly written to an exported file.


-  For export of cross-sections the default (or user) conversion table is used. It is the same table which is used for import.

1D members

-  Straight

For export only straight members without haunches, arbitrary shapes, openings, etc are supported. Polyline members are exported as several members. Member properties as angle, profile, material, member system and member type are taken in account. Columns and beams are exported as column and beams, others types are exported as brace to e2k file.

-  Curved

No curved members are supported for export. All curved members are exported as straight.

2D members

-  Flat

Only flat members with straight edges and openings and constant thickness and without subregions are supported. Member properties as material and member type are taken in account. Member types for export are only wall and slab. If a flat member has got a curved edge, the edge is exported by means of straight lines.

-  Shells

Shells are not supported for export. They can be exported only as flat members to e2k file.


-  Point in node

For export there are supported only point supports in nodes with rigid or free restrains. If a support with a flexible stiffness is defined it is exported as free.

-  Others

Point supports on a beam or an internal node, line supports on beam or 2D member edge and surface supports are not supported for export and nothing will be exported to e2k file.


-  Hinges on beams are exported as beam releases to e2k file.

-  Hinges on 2D member edge are not supported.


-  Point in node

Point forces Fx, Fy, Fz, and moments Mx, My, Mz in a node in global and local coordination system are supported for export to e2k file.

Point force in an internal node is not supported.

-  Point on beam

Both forces and moments in global or local coordination system are supported.

Repeated ones are exported as several point forces on beam.

-  Free point

Free point forces or moments are not supported.

-  Line on beam

Both forces and moments with uniform or trapezoidal distributions in global or local coordination system are supported for export.

-  Line on edge

Line forces on 2D member edge are not supported.

-  Free line

Free line forces are not supported.

-  Surface

Only uniformly distributed surface load is supported for export to SCIA Engineer.

-  Free surface

Free surface load is not supported.

-  Temperature

Only constant thermal loads on 2D members and 1D members are supported.

If the thermal load is defined as variable it is exported to e2k file as constant load with top delta z+.

-  Load cases

All load cases are exported to e2k file with their action type and load type.

-  Load combination

All linear load combinations are exported to e2k file with a list of load case.


1.  Call function File > Export > ETABS file.

2.  Dialog [Save as] is opened.

3.  Define the name of the exported e2k file.

4.  Confirm with [Save].

5.  Export dialog is opened.

It is possible to choose a supported version of ETABS where e2k file should be exported to. he user can choose a user cross-section mapping table or keep the default one which is distributed with SCIA Engineer.

6.  Press button [Export].

7.  The export is in progress.

8.  The log is displayed.

9.  The structure is exported to e2k file.

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SCIA is part of the Nemetschek group