The Load case combination manager provides for all the operations with combinations of load cases. This means that the defined combinations (of appropriate type) may also be exploded here.
There are two control buttons and a filter that both enable the user to manipulate with exploded combinations.
This button is available if a code-related combination is selected in the list of defined combinations.
As a result, a set of envelopes is generated and added to the Load case combinations manager.
This button is available if either a code-related or envelope is selected in the list of defined combinations.
In any case, a set of linear combinations is generated and added to the Load case combinations manager.
The filter enables the user to view only those combinations in the Load case combinations manager that s/he is interested in at the particular moment.
Only the input combinations are listed.
Note: An exploded combination is also considered as an input combination.
E.g. one Eurocode combination defined, filter set to Input.
Only the background combinations are shown.
E.g. one Eurocode combination defined, filter set to Background.
This filter is useful for e.g. stages analysis. The manager filters the combinations for individual construction stages.
Only combinations for Time Dependent Calculation are displayed in the list of defined combinations.
ULS combinations
Only Ultimate Limit State combinations are displayed in the list of defined combinations.