How to create summable attributes

The attribute parameter Number has an option summable. This option allows to add a table with sums of values to the document.

Create summable attribute

  1. Open attached project "attribute_summable.esa"
  2. Open service Attributes and open library Attribute definition.
  3. Edit attribute definition "weight", open tab "Parameters" and select "weight" in the list. Start editing.

  4. Check "Summable" option and close the dialogue.
  5. Start the command weight from the service menu. Change the value to 3 in the inserting dialogue. Confirm by OK.
  6. Insert the attribute instance on the first column.
  7. Start the command again. Change the value to 5 and insert it on the second column.

Add table "Bill of material to the old document.

  1. Check the functionality for Old style document. Open document.
  2. Open list of insertable items (button New). Select group "Special" and item "Bill of material by attributes".
  3. Add it to the document and refresh.
  4. There is a column Total weight (kg) which displays the summ of both attribute instances which is inserted to the project.

The final project is attached as "attribute_summable-finished.esa".

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