Properties of storey level

The properties of the selected level are displayed in the property dialogue.


the name of the storey level


the user defined description


where the storey level starts


the height of the storey level

Filtered allocation

the list of the allocated members (to this storey level)

Allocation type: this is important for the automatic allocation, because it defines which members will be allocated, there are three possibilities:

  1. All inside – the member must be whole inside the storey level (it means between Z-bottom and Z-top) to be automatically allocated
  2. Part inside – at least a smaller part of the member must be inside the storey level to be automatically allocated
  3. Major part inside – the bigger part of the member must be inside the storey level to be automatically allocated

Include members on top: this is important setting for the automatic allocation, it defines if the members on the top border (member with Z coordinate=Z_top) should be allocated

Include members on bottom: this is important setting for the automatic allocation, it defines if the members on the bottom border (member with Z coordinate=Z_bottom) should be allocated

Current used activity

it is checked when the level is used in activity (see a special chapter)

Select allocation

the allocated members are selected in the model by this button

Allocate automatically

the system check the allocation parameters and allocate the members again by this button

When the member is added to the structure where storeys are already defined, the allocation is not updated automatically. User has to use the action button “Allocate automatically”.

The special property for Seismic

Level of reduction point

This property is visible when the functionality Dynamics / Seismic is checked. See more about this property here.

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