Table results - introduction

The Table results is a dock-able interactive window with a simple grid for presenting results in numerical form. It provides a preview of basic results and checks (Concrete, Steel, Aluminium etc.). It is created similarly to the Table input, thus all basic tools works in the same way.

Standard result:

Check (Concrete service):

Purpose of Table results is similar to the preview window, but it provides some benefits making the work with numerical results more intuitive and interactive:

The table can be filled by results when the calculation is finished. The columns order and its content is the same as it is in the Engineering Report.

Table Results can handle results based on both the TLX and IP files.

How to load results into the Table results

The common use case:

  1. The model is calculated and the results service is available in the main tree.
  2. User displays the empty Table results.
  3. User selects the result type in the "Results" service or the check type in a material service (Concrete, Steel, ...).
  4. User adapts properties of the result in the property window - Load case, selection etc..
  5. User loads results using one of following methods:
  1. The grid is filled by values.

See the step-by-step tutorial here.

If the selected result is not supported, then the warning is displayed.

Reset the Table results settings to the default

Settings used in the Table results is saved to the special XML file. Use the Reset GUI option to get the default settings.

Go to Setup / Options / Environment / Reset GUI. The restart of the application is required. See the "Environment settings" chapter.

The XML file "TableResultSettings.xml" containing the setting is located in the "User setting files" directory, see the "Directories settings" chapter.

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