External report

Content of each report can be exported into *.dds file. Since version 14.1 it is possible to insert those files into another report. This way it is possible to compose one report from several smaller ones (even from different projects).

Displaying of content of external report

The file with report content *.dds contains all presentation data. It means content of tables, content of pictures, texts,... Chapters from original report are respected in final report and displayed in table of contents.

Final report has its own numbering of chapters and pages which goes continuously through all inserted external reports.


External report can be inserted as link to file on the hard drive or as "Embedded".

Link to file on the hard drive: When the reports are inserted as a link their validity status informs about changes in the source file on the hard drive. They are marked as invalid when the source file changes. Then during regeneration their content is updated and redrawn. Those reports are not displayed when the project is opened on different computer and the report item is regenerated.

Embedded file: Embedding of the External report means storing of its source file inside the project. Such External reports are independent on the files on hard drives. Those External report items increase the size of the project and cannot be updated after changes in the original report.


Respecting formatting from External reports

User can decide whether he wants to use formatting from the External report. It is possible to respect separately Headers / footers or Style or Page formats or Watermarks used in External report by checking particular check-boxes.

If those check-boxes are unchecked, then formatting of current report is used.


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SCIA is part of the Nemetschek group