Standard settings

Contents of table

Items in Table

This list contains all the items (quantities and formatting commands) that are included into the currently edited table template.

Available items

This list offers all available items that can be inserted into the table. The items are divided into three groups.

ESA properties

Available properties corresponding to individual parameters, quantities, result values, etc.

Defined views

The whole defined views (i.e. table templates) for the given table. It means that not only individual items, but even the whole template can be inserted into a table.

For example MyBriefTemplate can contain only the main items. And MyDetailedTemplate can include the same items extended by some other information. This can save the user’s time during the preparation of templates.

User properties

This group comprises mainly formatting items and some general items like date, page number, etc.


This button removes the selected item from the list of items in the table. That means, the corresponding value is no longer shown in the table.


This button adds the item selected from among Available items into the List of items. That means, the selected quantity, template, formatting character, etc. is added to the table and shown in it.


Template name

Each template can have a name that simplifies the work eith it.

For renaming the template see chapter Renaming the existing user-defined template.

Table type

Horizontal table

Item headers in this type of table are arranged in a vertical column and individual values are arranged horizontally in rows.


Vertical table

Item headers in this type of table are arranged in a horizontal row and individual values are arranged vertically in columns.


Simple form

This type is intended for tables inserted into other tables. It does not allow to have headers for individual items in the table.

Fit table to page width

This option stretches the table width so that it fits the page. See the two pictures below.

Below, a horizontal table with the option Fit table to page width set to NO.


Below, a horizontal table with the option Fit table to page width set to YES.



Columns / Rows


The caption used in the header of the item.


The alignment of the item.

No header

If ON, the item header is not displayed.

If OFF, the item header is displayed.

Do not aggregate caption at horizontal tables

If Continue Line is used in a horizontal table, the headings are merged into one, e.g. Mx, My, Mz captions are merged (aggregated) into "Mx,y,z". If this format is not suitable, the aggregation of the headings may be suppressed by this option.

Options in this group are related not to the table as a whole, but to each particular item in the table (row or column depending on the orientation of the table – horizontal / vertical).


In order to prepare a vertical table (i.e. one column = one item) without the names of the items (option No header), you must remove the header from all table items.

Let us take the Load case table. By default it look like:


If you open the Table Composer, go item by item in the list of Items in Table, and for each item tick the option No header (see the picture)


you obtain the following table of load cases:



In the Preview window of the dialogue you can see the layout of the table you are modifying.

Note: We are aware of the fact that modification of tables (table templates) in general is a complex and rather complicated matter. Therefore, in order to simplify the task, the basic parameters and controls were extracted to this (default on opening) sheet of the Table Composed dialogue. We believe that these basic parameters are straightforward, easy-to-understand and easy-to-handle. They are sufficient for the vast majority of actions you may require during the modification of table templates. The other tab sheets of the dialogue with advanced parameters and options are intended to be used by advanced users, administrators and specially trained staff.