Automatic calculation of ky/kz factor

The program calculates factors from a standard analysis – approximate formulas from [1], [2], [3] are applied.

A) Non-sway structure

B) Sway structure

L = system length

E = Young modulus of elasticity

I = moment of inertia i

Ci = stiffness in node i

Mi = moment in node i

Φi = rotation in node i

Values Mi and Φi are determined as approximate values using internal forces and deformations calculated from load cases that generate shape of deformation similar to buckling shapes (see [4], pp. 113 and [5], pp. 112). Load cases used for this purpose contain a unit loads that generate horizontal displacement of the structure. The formulas applied give good results for frame structures with a perpendicular rigid or semi-rigid connection of beams. The results are ONLY recommended and it up to the user to evaluate their application in a particular project.