Annex A: Pad Foundation Stiffness

This annex specifies the calculation of the stiffness coefficients of a pad foundation.

Stiffness Formula
Stiffness X

Stiffness Y

Stiffness Z
Stiffness Rx
Stiffness Ry
Stiffness Rz



Value Info

Dimension read from Pad Foundation Library

B Dimension read from Pad Foundation Library
C1x Soil stiffness read from Subsoil Library
C1y Soil stiffness read from Subsoil Library
C1z Soil stiffness read from Subsoil Library
C2x Soil stiffness read from Subsoil Library


The rotational stiffness formulas for Rx and Ry are derived from [Ref.7].
Below the soil interaction model on which it is based with the soil stiffness k (corner points) and kw (soil under the edges) at the pad foundation boundaries, also C1 and C2 for the stiffnesses underneath the pad foundation.