Header / Footer (Page layout)

Header / Footer is predefined report item which can change layout of pages following this report item. Layout of pages represents:

Once the Header / Footer item is inserted in to the report its setting is respected from the following page.

Header / Footer item uses project data from the project. It can display the same properties which can be displayed in the table of Project data object (e.g. project name, author, design code, licence name, ...). Content of Page layout item needs to be regenerated manually (as tables and pictures). It has also it's validity status which informs whether the displayed data are up-to-date. Header / Footer item is also included in "Regenerate All" in case of invalid validity status.

Setting of Header / Footer can be changed in Page layout editor which is accessible via Edit button on ribbon.

Note that Header / Footer report item uses information from the Scia Engineer project and it has similar behavior to report tables. It has its validity status and it needs to be regenerated to get up to date values from the Scia Engineer model.

Page layout editor

Left part of the dialogue is dedicated to editing, right part of the dialogue contains preview of the page.User can immediately see the impact of his changes here. It is also possible to select from predefined page formats and page orientations just above the preview window to se the preview on different paper formats..

On the top of the editor there are buttons for confirmation or canceling of changes and buttons for storing or opening of files with Page layouts. There is also a combobox with a list of existing predefined page layouts files. Those files are searched in the DocumentDefault\PageLayout subdirectories of the Scia Engineer installation directory and USER directory.

The Page layout editor enables changing of header, footer and page frame. User can switch between editing of Header / Footer / Page frame using this combobox .

Bellow the combobox is checkbox where the user can make the selected part of page visible or not visible.


Margins defines inner gap between the border and the content


Panel Boundaries enables to specify the way of drawing of boundaries of selected Page part (header, footer, page frame). User can specify the way of drawing (Simple line or "no drawing"), thickness of the line and the color of the line. This setting can be done for each line of the border (left, right, top, bottom).


Height defines the height of edited Page layout part (header or footer). Width of header or footer is taken as page width (excluding Page frame margins).


Panel Items contains basic parts of header or footer. it is possible to insert there pictures or tables.

Position (insertion point) of items and alignment of item to its insertion point is defined on panel Item position.

Anchor represents relative position within the header or footer area. Value of anchor can be between 0 and 1. Relative positioning enables using one definition of header or footer with more paper formats. Offset represents the distance from the anchor point. Positive direction of axis is from the left top corner to right bottom corner.


Following formats of pictures are supported: jpg, bmp, gif, tiff, png, wmf, emf.

User can specify the size of inserted picture ..


User can place different information from project data into header or footer. Those information can be inserted as tables.

Each table can contain variable list of properties which will be displayed on the header or footer.


Properties can be added from the list "Available items", deleted or moved up/down.

User can decide how to display the content of a table. .

User can also specify the size reserved for name of property and vaule of the property.

The list with available items contains also special report related properties: Current date, Current date and time, Current time, Number of pages, Page number, Page number and number of pages. Value of those properties is not lined with the project but with the exact report or exact page.

It is necessary to regenerate the Page layout report item in case the list of Available items contains the report related properties only.

Formatted texts in header or footer

Content of Formatted text item is defined / edited in the Formatted text editor (See chapter related to Formatted text as a report item).

Editor is opened automatically after inserting the text or it can be entered by pressing button "Edit" on the panel with Text properties.

The Width property represents the size of column which is filled with the text. The vertical size is not limited and depends on the length of inputted text.

Font for Page item.

Tables and Formatted texts are printed with font which is specified on the panel Font.

The setting from this panel is used for whole Table. In case of formatted text the font is used as a default font which is respected until the first change of the font in the text.

Page frame

Page frame is a special part of the Page layout. It cannot contain any page items and it has diffrent setting.

The Page frame has two additional boundaries: vertical lines left from text and right from text.

There is also available specific setting for text indenting from the left and right in case of Page frame.

More complicated headers or footers can be easily created by inserting vector picture and adding automatic texts (tables) from the project (see attached example)