

Command: By the “command” is meant the string used to run some actions from the SCIA Spotlight. Commands usually contain dots, e.g. “Structure.1d.Beam”

Shortcut: By the “shortcut” is meant string used which is shorter substitution to full length command. Some commands does not have corresponding shortcuts. See full list of commands.

Use of commands


Commands and shortcuts are available immediately after the installation of the SCIA Engineer. It is not necessary to install anything special neither to do any changes in the settings.

Each command may be started again without its selection. Use key "Enter" when the command is finished, and the command is started again automatically. It is possible to define another key than "Enter" to repeat the last command.


Commands and shortcuts belong to general functionality. They are not protected by any module and are available for all users. However the user is still able to run actions supported by his licence only. E.g. a user which does not have nonlinearity in his licence cannot start inserting of “Nonlinearity 1D”.



Commands are defined by SCIA and cannot be changed by the user.


SCIA defined already some default shortcuts/hotkeys, but they can be changed (customized) by users.

Simply click on the field at the end of a command, press the hotkey that you want to define and press the Enter-button.

When a hotkey is already defined to another command, a message is given to the user to warn him that the other command will lose the hotkey.

Some hotkeys are fixed in the software (e.g. Del).


Functionality coverage by commands


Commands are available only in an open project. If there is not any project opened then it is not possible to use the SCIA Spotlight for starting actions.

Actions available via commands

Commands and shortcuts cover major part of available actions within SCIA Engineer. Following types of actions are covered by commands:

Actions not available via commands

It is not possible to execute certain actions during a running action but some options are available while running a command, e.g. change a snapping setting or the coordinate system is possible during the input of a 1D member, but modify command (move, copy,...) and other actions are not available during this command (in the main menu you can see that these commands are greyed out).