Units Setup

In SCIA Engineer the user uses and comes into contact with a good number of various physical quantities. In order to allow the user to adjust preferable units and display style of these quantities, the program offers a means for user’s adjustment.

The adjustment can be done in Units Setup dialogue.

Unit "parameters"


It sets the unit in which the value of appropriate quantity is displayed.

Decimal length

It defines number of decimal digits to be displayed when the corresponding quantity is displayed.

Output format

It specifies the format of displayed value for individual the quantity. See below.

Output format


standard representation of a number

78.24 cm

782.4 mm


representation of a number by means of a base and an exponent

7.824E+01 cm

7.82E+02 mm


representation of a number by means of a base and an exponent, where the exponent is always a multiple of three

78.240E+00 cm

782.40E+00 mm





representation of a number by means of a fraction

3/16 in


representation of a number used for angles


ft in

representation of a number used for imperial units

2 ft 6.803 in

The procedure for adjustment of units
  1. Open dialogue Manage units via Status Bar > Unit system or by searching for the command in the SCIA Spotlight:

  2. Make the required settings.

  3. Confirm with [OK].

Note: For more information about units see chapter Terminology and conventions > Units.