Step 2. Using the Activation manager

If the SCIA License Server is installed, you will have the SCIA Activation manager shortcut in the start menu (image on the right).   The shortcut also refers to the following path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SCIA\LicenceServer\ActivationUtility\Activationutility.exe

You can load in the license with these steps:

  1. Select the license (you can add it through 'Read Licence ID' by selecting the .LID file);
  2. Click on 'Return License' (if it’s greyed out, then go directly to 'Activate License');
  3. Then hit 'Activate Licence' (the circle before the Licence ID number will become green).

Possible questions / problems

àWhat if my Activation Manager is empty?

Click on 'Read License ID'

Select the LID file (for the image above, it would be “SCIA6xxxxx.lid”)

àWhere can I get this LID file?

It was sent to you by SCIA. You can probably find it in your mail box (for student/try-out).

This LID file does not need to be updated (never ever).

àWhat do I have to do when I have to update my license?

‘Updating’ your license, is no more than clicking on 'Activate License' again.

(It might be necessary to return the license first (with the button 'Return License'))

àWhat does the little image before License ID mean (usually that little circle)?

This indicates the status of the license (see also chapter "License status")

It should become green after clicking on 'Activate License'.

àI click on 'Activate License', but I get an some kind of message…

More explanation can be found in the chapter "Messages when using 'Activate license'" below.

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