Results in Table results are stored to the tabs. The row with the tabs can be found in the lower part of Table results. Every tab represents one set of values which has been created using some result/check entity with some set of properties. Results can be loaded into the new tab using several ways - see the "How to load results into the Table results" for more details.
There are 2 rows with the tabs:
The tab is created automatically during the loading results into the table - see the "How to load results into the Table results" for more details.
The tab can be closed using the "X" button in the right part of every tab.
All tabs can be closed using the button in the toolbar - see "Delete all tabs" chapter.
The order of the tabs within the row can be modified using the "drag and drop". To move the tab, just hold the left mouse-button on it, move it to desired position and release the button.
If the model is modified, the numerical results presented in the Table results may not be valid any more. Tabs containing such values are marked by red exclamation mark:
This validity status tells the user that results contained in this tab may be wrong and should not be considered. Similar functionality can be found in the Engineering Report - see "Validity status" chapter for more info.