Creating a new table template

The procedure to create a new template
  1. Open the Document.

  2. Select the table (i.e. the document item) for which the new template is to be created.

  3. Open the Table Manager.

  4. Select the existing template from which the new template should be derived (see Note below).

  5. Define the template.

  6. Confirm with [OK]. The Table Composer closes.

  7. Close the Table Manager.

Note: If a new template is being created, the program offers you not an empty template, but a template that is identical to the template that was selected in the Table Manager list at the moment when function New (template) was invoked.



Let us assume that the Table Manager was opened for Load Case table. Further let us assume that templates shown in the figure above were already defined for this table. Finally, let us assume that the template named mytemplate is selected in the list at the moment when button [New] is pressed. The Table Composer opens on the screen with the settings corresponding to template mytemplate. It is up to the user how much the offered settings will be altered.