Table Composer dialogue


The Table Composer Dialogue allows for a modification of the existing layout of a particular table. In the Table Composer you can:

Note: In the Table Composer, it is not possible to create a new layout. This can be done in the Table Manager.

Procedure to open the Table Composer dialogue
  1. Open the Document.

  2. Select the required table (the document item) in your document window or in the document tree.

  3. Open the Table Composer dialogue:

    1. either click icon Table Composer (image\Icon_Table_Composer.gif) on the Document toolbar (located at the top of the document window).

    2. or right click any cell in the required table to invoke the pop-up menu and select function Table Composer (Note: Words "Table Composer" are normally followed by a list of available .

  4. The Table Composer dialogue is opened on the screen.

Parameters and controls in the Table Composer dialogue

The Table Composer dialogue contains a vast number of various settings, parameters, lists and other controls. Common users usually do not need to bother with all the options. Therefore the Table Composer dialogue is divided into several tab-sheets. The first one comprises all what a common user may need to make some principal changes to the layout of a particular table. Other tab-sheets then offer advanced settings that may be useful for advanced, painstaking or demanding users or for "administrators" in big companies who prepare the official layout of company documents.

Detailed description of individual tab-sheets is given in separate chapters:

Tip: In the top part of the dialogue, the full path to the corresponding OTS file is shown.